Nghĩa của từ stalinist|stalinists bằng Tiếng Anh


['Sta·lin·ist || 'stɑːlɪnɪst]

supporter of Stalinism, advocate of the communist principles associated with Joseph Stali

Đặt câu với từ "stalinist|stalinists"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "stalinist|stalinists", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ stalinist|stalinists, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ stalinist|stalinists trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. Oil and Gas Arrogations likened to Stalinist Russia

2. They bypassed the Stalinists and led the peasants and workers to the establishment of a workers state.

3. The Castroists, to their everlasting credit, bypassed the Stalinists and established the first workers state in our hemisphere.

4. 7 Three million more were trapped bellied the Iron Curtain in a Stalinist nightmare.

5. However, "Bolshevism" today is commonly associated with the Stalinist regime which existed in the Soviet Union.

6. Minsk, Belarus’s capital, is a city of Stalinist architecture (blocky and grey) contrasted against antiquated churches and flower-filled city squares

7. Ten years later, after the nightmare of Stalinist purges, terror, and ethnic cleansing, we became refugees again, as we were forced to move to Greece.

8. In the Khrushchevian spring some courageous artists and administrators attempted to liberalize the Stalinist-dominated official art world from within.

9. ‘But all forms of economic nationalism, from the policy of import substitution to the national Autarchy of the Stalinist regime in the former USSR, have failed in the face of …

10. The entire street was completely destroyed during World War II by the retreating Red Army troops and rebuilt in the neo-classical style of post-war Stalinist architecture.

11. Trotsky here concisely states his basic analysis of the Soviet Union and the Stalinist bureaucracy, utilizing as a historic analogy the period of Thermidorian and Bonapartist reaction in the Great

12. Only protracted stagnation of yields brought them to a grudging retreat from farming by decree, and from Lysenko's “Agrobiology,” which cast an aura of science over the Stalinist agricultural policy.

13. In 1947, the Stalinist political climate led to the adoption and imposition by the ruling Polish United Workers' Party of the tenets of Socialist realism, and the authorities' condemnation of modern music which was deemed to be non-conformist.

14. Noun Autarchies another term for autocracy ‘But all forms of economic nationalism, from the policy of import substitution to the national autarchy of the Stalinist regime in the former USSR, have failed in the face of the increasing integration of the world economy.’

15. Self-reliance and Autarchy are discarded options in today's world, be it for tackling terrorism or underdevelopment.: The fact is, what collapsed in the Soviet Union was not socialism but the Stalinist system of national economic Autarchy.: Finally, in the period of Spanish economic Autarchy, trams went into steep decline.: And while the distribution of that prosperity is often unequal and

16. The Gulag Archipelago is Solzhenitsyn's masterwork, a vast canvas of camps, prisons, transit centres and secret police, of informers and spies and interrogators and also of heroism, a Stalinist anti-world at the heart of the Soviet Union where the key to survival lay not in hope but in despair.